TTSP - Premier Ship Designer in the Philippines
By: Vance Madelo Situated at the northwestern part of Cebu province and with a pool of engineering and drafting professionals in its employ, Tsuneishi Technical Services, Phils. is the chief ship designer in the Philippines. It has steadily been growing from a humble beginning of eight (8) initial employees in 1992 to over 400 design engineers, draftsman, office staffs, drivers and maintenance personnel combined as for this writing. What most people are wrong about is that they usually associate TTSP as a shipbuilding company. It is not. Though it is an affiliate or sister company of the Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Company (TSC) in Hiroshima, Japan, it only designs merchant ships to supplement the said mother company. It specializes in detail designs of bulk carriers, tankers and other ocean-going vessels. It is also involved in designing details of engineering, manufacturing, oil and biogas plants. Currently, it has plans of gradually expanding its workforce, capability, and office...