Hello World, This is TTSP!

By: Vance Madelo

TTSP is Tsuneishi Technical Services (Phils.) Incorporation.

For a starter, the post title above is a shoutout to the online world mimicking the traditional screen output, “Hello World”, practiced by developers and software engineers over the years in learning a new programming language.

Likewise, in the birth of this blog TTSP greets the online world before anything else. This embarkation is our way of moving one notch higher in our intention to deepen our online reach.

Because we, in TTSP believe in the power of engaging visitors and clientele through casual information drive, we have made ourselves visible online through the creation of this blog (in addition to our website) because we don’t just do business, we do strive to make our brand be known to the global arena of ship, industrial and commercial designing.

Designing with us is about cost-efficiency, quality and on-time delivery – which every potential client should consider as a highly-qualified option.

To know more about us read our industry history. More random posts about us regarding our services, work culture, activities, people and the organization as a whole in the coming weeks.


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