Filipino Team Spirit in the Bayanihan

By: Vance Madelo   

It is a noteworthy trait among Filipinos to pro-actively help each other particularly when the situation demands. The “Bayanihan” spirit had been deeply ingrained in the Filipino culture having its roots dating back during the pre-colonial and colonial era.

Historically, the Bayanihan was a common practice in the community wherein everybody lent hands and took turns in carrying and transferring a member’s movable bamboo hut to another place. On other occasions, the same spirit is demonstrated in activities of communal farming and fishing communities, also evolving into community cooperation related to affairs in preparation of religious festivities and other celebrations.

As times changed and advancement taken place, the same trait is still very evident but adapted in different situations where teamwork is important. All, still in a mood of caring for one another.

In ship designing, where planning a ship entails thousands of drawing tasks and teamwork is crucial, the Bayanihan spirit comes into play when teams come together to share ideas, work out plans and tackle issues for a common goal, that is, coming up with quality, timely and cost-efficient design of a ship.

As a world-class design company catering to customers for 30 years now, TTSP has grown to over sixty (60) administrative support and design teams specializing and collaborating together in detail design of ship sections, equipment, and facilities, with Teamwork being a “first” in its corporate values of T-LIFE (Teamwork, Leadership, Integrity, Familial-relationship, and Excellence).

In a sense, that is how TTSP does it. We design ships the Filipino Bayanihan way.


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