Resilience amid Pandemic

by: Vance S. Madelo  

When the clock strikes 11AM before lunch time the PA system automatically sets off with a chime before a manly voice that calmly says, “Always wear face mask, wear face shield on top of face mask when riding the bus and when in public areas….”, announcing among other COVID-19 health protocol reminders inside the TTSP ship design center. The same announcement is repeated an hour before work ends in the afternoon when everybody is about to leave the place, and others to ride the company buses (50% capacity each) taking them home.

TTSP’s COVID-19 PA system is only one of the preventive implementations in place. Floors where employees convene like the log machines, ATM machine and the Canteen areas have been marked with distancing stickers. Canteen tables have been re-arranged meters apart each and to accommodate only two persons at a time to opposing corners. With employees numbering more than 500, they have been divided into two batches to take turns eating in daily swapping scheme. These, and the other petty measures like wall and bus protocol postings, temperature taking and provision of hand sanitizers have become a normal part of employees’ everyday ship designing work life.

The company has been generous in providing each employees boxes of face masks, vitamin c supplements, face shields and individual cubicle disinfectants to augment protective measures. Meanwhile, the medical clinic staffs are constantly monitoring the health of employees on daily basis, especially, those who report to work from neighboring provinces and cities. To promote efficiency, the IT department initiated further contactless paper transactions into digital processing. Document signatories have been given a secured copy of their digital signature for digital signing and storage. Internal online systems have also been developed for employees to record their daily health, declare travel plan (and travel routes) online for monitoring and traceability.
On the other hand, leaders monitor each member’s daily health record entries while the medical staffs are actively involved in health consultations and health teachings through digital information dissemination ensuring the health welfare of employees. Recently, they facilitated and coordinated with health diagnostic providers in conducting the annual physical exam at the start of 2nd quarter this year in an organized, strict, protocol-based manner. The pandemic has brought many changes in the way the overall ship detail designing operation has been carried. Employees have become mindful of their health and actions while at the same time, performing with the same principles of producing ship detail and production design quality, timeliness, and cost-efficiency.
Indeed, the TTSPians have adapted. They have embraced the virus-induced lifestyle changes, they found ways to keep themselves occupied during free time in accordance with the new normal. Relatively, they thrive with the challenges and still consistent with the JaPino work-life-balance and discipline infused with the T-LIFE culture. They continue to learn more about the ship designing industry via digital venue as they continue to strive to improve. Importantly, they continue to deliver as expected – appropriately, that's resilience amid pandemic.


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